Gaby Grobo recreates imaginary landscapes in which it dominates the impetus of the forms. In a minimalist approach the artist paints in the canvasses only few figures of nature that float into monochromatic backgrounds. They set as solid shapes, -trunks, branches, -delineated with strong impasto and fluctuating contours. Grobo’s palette in the background sets for dense dark colors, -greens, reds,- enhancing the profile of the figures. These nature configurations molded out as abstract structures look intense and sparse, and they pose as immanent presences in the phenomenological silence of the canvas. Sometimes as single beings, sometimes as successive trunks of a fence they look as suspended in time and place, standing as vestiges of totemic figures or remnants of ancients forests. Grobo recreates an universe of cosmic entities which is at the same time formalistic composed but also it is lyrically created.
Milagros Bello, Ph.D.